MJ Healthcare

Eye Care

What are the Benefits, risk and expected outcome from LASIK – Laser Eye Surgery?

Laser Eye Surgery - LASIK

LASIK, abbreviated for laser in-situ keratomileusis, is an acclaimed surgical procedure, doing the course of correction vision in people who are symptomatic with nearsighted, farsighted, or astigmatism.

All the well-known laser surgical procedures are corrected to reshape the problems in the cornea. The cornea is the front part of the eyes that becomes the reason for traveling the light through this, releasing a reflection on the retina which is there in the back of the eye. Laser eye surgery is one of well-known eye surgical procedures which corrects reshaping the affected cornea.


Benefits of Undergoing the Laser Eye Surgery

Eye surgical procedure through LASIK has a lot of benefits. This medical practice has been doing its jobs from the last 25 years and in more than 96 percent, the patients get back the anticipated level of vision after the surgical procedure of LASIK.  The surgical procedure through LASIK didn’t result in a lot of pain. Because of the application of the numbing drop, the pain is almost negligible. Besides no usage of any bandages or stitches, one of other benefits while going through this surgery is vision correction is achieved within the same after the LASIK. 

After the successful surgery of LASIK, most of its patients use their eyeglasses or contact lens very less and, in some cases, numerous patients need not wear eyeglasses or contact lens.


Demerits of LASIK Surgical Procedure

Regardless of having numerous benefits, LASIK surgery also has certain demerits. Being technically intricate, the occurrence of any operational problem is a rarity. In very rare cases, a patient’s vision can be affected permanently which the ophthalmologist is in the process of creating the flap. That’s why it is strongly recommended to choose an ophthalmologist who carries several years of LASIK surgical procedure with an amazing level of success rate. It is on a rare occasion when you can’t attain the best vision through LASIK surgery. The best vision is called when you achieve the highest degree of vision while donning your contact lens or eyeglasses. 



The Impending Preparation for the Surgical Procedure Via LASIK

Surgical Procedure Via LASIK

Before undergoing the LASIK surgical procedure, you are required to see your coordinator or your eye surgeon for having a healthy discussion about the kind of expectations you have during and after the nuances of this LASIK surgery. Through the medium of these discussions, your eyes and any medical history would be overhauled thoroughly. These examinations include the measurement to know the thickness of your cornea, corneal refraction, mapping cornea, pressure over eye along with dilation of the pupil. 

When you are done successfully with this initial round of investigation, you would see your eye surgeon who would be expected to address all variety of your questions you have concerning this ailment. When you are convinced with his answers, you undergo this LASIK surgical procedure to attain the best possible vision for your eyes.

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